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The Compliance Officer Will See You Now: Chemical Storage in Pharmaceuticals


The Compliance Officer Will See You Now: Chemical Storage in Pharmaceuticals

Pharmaceutical manufacturers are no strangers to chemical storage. Where are the opportunities for improved compliance practices and what are the benefits? When Pfizer developed its COVID-19 vaccine in 2020, at least one ingredient had to be kept within a certain temperature range to maintain its effectiveness. At the time, we worked closely with one factory manufacturing the vaccine in question to supply specialist storage solutions that ensured they achieved this. Many modern medicines operate similarly, requiring careful temperature control on the part of the manufacturer, distributor, and all to keep the ingredients from becoming compromised and the medicines viable for...

Steel Bunded Storage Colour Change: Responding to Customer Feedback


Steel Bunded Storage Colour Change: Responding to Customer Feedback

At Emtez, we're always listening to our customers. Your feedback is invaluable to us, as it helps us continuously improve and adapt to meet your needs. That's why we're excited to announce a significant change based on your input: the colour of our bunded storage units Previously, our bunded storage units were distinguished by their green hue. While this colour served its purpose well, we understand that preferences vary, and some of you expressed a desire for a different option. So, after careful consideration and deliberation, we're thrilled to introduce a new standard colour for our bunded storage units: Grey...

Lifting the Lid on Bunded Drum Storage Compliance: 3 Questions to Ask Yourself


Lifting the Lid on Bunded Drum Storage Compliance: 3 Questions to Ask Yourself

Can you confidently say whatā€™s in your drums ā€”Ā and how to store them safely and responsibly, in a manner that corresponds with the details in their data sheets? Bunded storage has compliance applications beyond IBCs. Much like your intermediate bulk containers, drums are typically filled with hazardous chemicals or liquids requiring specific storage conditions. Knowing how to store them in a manner that complies with the manufacturerā€™s guidelines and wider industry directives is more than just a tick-box exercise. Most obviously, health and safety is a chief concern. Incorrect drum storage could put your employees, other site visitors, or the...

Backed Against the Wall: Navigating Pushback System Compliance for IBC Storage


Backed Against the Wall: Navigating Pushback System Compliance for IBC Storage

ā€œSomething happened in 2020 that changed the way many businesses source and store their chemicals and other site materials, and itā€™s still happening today.ā€ One aspect of compliant intermediate bulk container (IBC) storage hinges on the unit selected. The other? Where you and your team position those units on-site and how you access them. Never was this more apparent than when walking my customersā€™ sites during and immediately after the pandemic, but it remains an issue when I visit new customers now. One of the pandemicā€™s biggest impacts was on the supply chain. Across industries, businesses that relied on frequent...

IBC Compliance: How Are You Storing Your Intermediate Bulk Containers?


IBC Compliance: How Are You Storing Your Intermediate Bulk Containers?

When it comes to storing your IBCs on the right side of industry directives, thereā€™s more to correct compliance than a bunded unit. We all know the health and safety benefits of a bund. But bunded storage doesnā€™t automatically ensure intermediate bulk container (IBC) compliance. As a result, many compliance officers might assume that their business (and their interests as the accountable person) are protected when the storage conditions in question arenā€™t fit for purpose. On site visits, I often see non-compliant IBC storage. Itā€™s no oneā€™s fault in particular but it opens up the business to risk, and because...

How to Safely Secure Drums and IBCs


How to Safely Secure Drums and IBCs

In any industrial or commercial operation, the proper storage of liquids is not just a matter of convenience; it's a critical aspect of safety, environmental responsibility, and regulatory compliance. At Emtez, we understand the importance of effective liquid storage, which is why we've developed a range of Drum and IBC Stores designed to provide secure and reliable solutions for businesses of all sizes. Ensuring Safety and Environmental Protection The repercussions of incorrect liquid storage can be severe, posing risks to both the well-being of employees and the surrounding environment. Despite stringent regulations, oversights can occur, leading to potentially disastrous consequences....
